Database version for L3 Workshop


According to the AWS Blu Age L3 Certification Workshop The database needs to be created is Amazon RDS - Postgres 13.7-R1.

But this option is not available as per Amazon Management Console. Is it ok to move ahead with 13.8-R1? available versions

asked 7 months ago283 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Yes, it should generally be fine to move ahead with using Amazon RDS with PostgreSQL version 13.8-R1 instead of the specified version 13.7-R1 mentioned in the AWS Blu Age L3 Certification Workshop. Minor version differences, such as 13.7-R1 versus 13.8-R1, typically include bug fixes, security patches, and minor enhancements. These differences are usually backward compatible and should not affect the functionality or compatibility of your application significantly.

However, it's always a good practice to test your application thoroughly after upgrading the PostgreSQL version to ensure that it works as expected and that there are no compatibility issues or unexpected behavior introduced by the newer version. Additionally, you may want to review the release notes for PostgreSQL 13.8-R1 to see if there are any specific changes or updates that may affect your use case.

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

Yes, you can. This is a minor version upgrade, this should not affect the rest of the workshop.

answered 7 months ago

While I was doing L3 in the month of May'2024, the versions had upgraded even further. I chose the lowest version in the series of 13-* which was 13.11-R2 at that time, and my execution went through without any issue. So I guess, we just have to choose the lowest version in the 13.* series.

RDS Version

answered 4 months ago

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