Unknown options: s3:// error on using CP


I am trying to upload a 204 GB file from my local to s3 bucket using AWS CLI with command as :
aws s3 cp J:/Cole/Data Analysis/Personal_Marketing/abc.csv s3://sftp-abc

When I run this command I get an error as :
Unknown options: s3://sftp-abc

Please guide me

asked 4 years ago13527 views
3 Answers

Actually the problem is with the blank space " " in your local root.
Just make sure you copy files from root which does not contain any spaces.

answered 4 years ago

I am having the same problem on my Windows 10 aws cli, but am not experiencing this issue with my linux machine, a completely separate machine. I use the following command successfully in linux:

 $ aws s3 cp /path/to/image.png s3://deeplens-test-bucket/sample-set

but this same command when run on a Windows machine:

 $ aws s3 cp C:/This PC/Desktop/image.png s3://deeplens-test-bucket/sample-set

returns the following error:

 Unknown options: s3://deeplens-test-bucket

Other commands work successfully in the Windows 10 CMD, such as:

$ aws s3 ls

which returns a list of each of my s3 buckets that are in sync with this CLI instance.

I also have not been able to find any indication in the documentation why this might be happening. I am using:

$ aws --version
aws-cli/1.18.17 Python/3.6.0 Windows/10 botocore/1.15.17

Should I update my version of aws cli? And if so, is there a different location from which to pull that update than the normal download?

Edited by: mpaterson on Mar 12, 2020 10:46 AM

Edited by: mpaterson on Mar 12, 2020 10:48 AM

answered 4 years ago

Do not add space in folder names like folder name 1- New folder folder name 2- New_folder

Use the folder name 2 format will work for you.

answered 6 months ago

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