Can you ship a Snowball from anywhere?


The documentation says AWS can only ship snowballs to certain locations and this answer says the Snowball should not leave the state of the destination address because of tax reasons. I just wanted to confirm whether that means we can't ship a Snowball to Munich and then bring it to Switzerland and then mail it back from Switzerland?

asked 2 years ago529 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Below is from the FAQ

Q: Can a Snowball Edge be shipped to an alternate AWS Region?

No. Snowball Edge devices are designed to be requested and used within a single AWS Region. The device may not be requested from one Region and returned to another. Snowball Edge devices used for imports or exports from an AWS Region in the EU may be used with any of the other EU countries. Check the Regional Service Availability pages for the latest information.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

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