Can we setup FSx as an Active-Active DR solution for On-premises file server?


We want to create a 2-way replication between AWS FSx and an on-premise Windows file server. Can we do this using AWS DataSync or DFS Replication?

The purpose is to use AWS FSx as active-active DR solution for an on-premises Windows file server.

From what I found so far, AWS DataSync does not support bi-directional replication. As for DFS Replication, it does not support file locking so multiple people can't work on the same files simultaneously.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You could leverage DFS-R but only with specific FSx file system types (Single Zone AZ1) As an active-active setup not really. But if you wanted to use FSx as your on-premises file system for CIFS/SMB you may also look into FSx Storage Gateway as an option.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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