Voicemail recording not being created in Salesforce


Hi there! Could someone pls help me with the voicemail feature? We set up a call center in SF with Amazon Connect. One of our requirements is the ability for customers to leave a voicemail when no agent is available. We set up all configurations from this doc https://github.com/amazon-connect/amazon-connect-salesforce-scv/tree/master/Solutions/VMX2-VoicemailExpress . But unfortunately VMXSFDCTestFlow-callcenter00d3k0000008pe6 Contact Flow does not create the record in SF.

1 Answer

You would need to provide the logs from the Packager function to help identify the problem. However, Salesforce is also adding Voicemail to Service Cloud Voice natively this month with the Winter Release. If you have not already successfully implemented Voicemail, it probably makes more sense to remove this solution, and implement the iteration from Salesforce as it implements voicemail as a routable object in SCV.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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