On August 17, 2022 Amazon Lex V2 released a change to the way that conversations are managed with the user. It looks the change breaks AWS Connect flow if the underlying Lambda function sends an interactive message in a response to a fulfilled intent.
Here's the AWS function Lambda function I use for testing:
const isNextStepElicitIntent=true;
const useCustomPayload=true;
exports.handler = async (event) => {
console.log("Request " + JSON.stringify(event));
const customPayload={
"title":"Interactive Test",
"subtitle":"Tap to select option",
{"title":"Option 1"},
{"title":"Option 2"}
var response;
var message;
"contentType": "CustomPayload",
"content": JSON.stringify(customPayload)
"contentType": "PlainText",
"content":"Help response"
if (isNextStepElicitIntent){
response = {
"sessionState": {
"sessionAttributes": {},
"dialogAction": {
"type": "ElicitIntent"
"messages": [
response = {
"sessionState": {
"sessionAttributes": {},
"dialogAction": {
"type": "ElicitSlot",
"slotToElicit": "DummySlot"
"intent": {
"name": "Help",
"slots": {
"DummySlot": null
"messages": [
console.log("Response: " + JSON.stringify(response));
return response;
Use a Lex v2 bot created before August 17th, add a "Help" intent with "help" as an utterance, and a "DummySlot" to the intent, and check "Use a Lambda function for initialization and validation" in the "Code hooks" section. Connect the preferred alias/language combination of the Lex bot with the test Lambda function. Add the bot to a AWS Connect flow using a "Get customer input" block, and give flow a try with "Help" utterance. You will get the expected interactive message in the response.
Do the same with a Lex v2 bot created after August 17th. AWS Connect goes to the "Error" output branch.
In both cases, the Lex bot works fine when tested alone, so the problem is in Lex-Connect interaction.
You may try changing isNextStepElicitIntent and useCustomPayload constants at the top of the Lambda function. It appears that everything works fine if the the response is plain text (const useCustomPayload=false;) , or if the dialogAction.type is "ElicitSlot" (const isNextStepElicitIntent=false;). The problem/bug appears only if the dialogAction.type is "ElicitIntent", the content of the response is an interactive message, and the Lex v2 bot is created after August 17th.
I confirm the issue is fixed. Thx Saket.
This is still not working for me. I have a connect instance created on Aug, 2024 and Lex v2 chatbot created in May, 2024. I have integrated the Lex bot with AWS Connect Instance. Its working well, when the intents being executed do not have any card groups. But executes Error branch of Get customer input block when it contains any Card Group. I even tried replacing Card Group with Custom Payload adhering payload structure suggested by AWS for List picker, but still the Error branch is executed. The other thing I have noticed is, even if intent has some initial place message (like greet messages), and then have slots having custom payload slot prompt, the plain messages are also not shown in AWS connect, and just simply Error branch is executed. If I remove the slot with custom payload, everything works well. Please note I don't want to use AWS Lambda for simple static slot prompts. I believe this is surely considered by AWS as a obvious case. Also, there is no way for me to be able to know why "Error" branch is being executed, no logs I can see. Only logs AWS Connect provides is Flow log which does not have any information.