MongoDB Atlas VPC peering



I am deploying a web application backend for testing purpose on Amazon EC2 instance. The instance is inside a VPC. The EC2 and VPC are in us-east-2 Ohio region and the MongoDB Atlas cluster is in us-east-1 N. Virginia region.

The Atlas CIDR (VPC region) is same as Amazon VPC i.e. us-east-2 Ohio. The VPC CIDR is and the Atlas VPC CIDR is

When I am checking the logs on the EC2 instance I am seeing the error: ERROR [MongooseModule] Unable to connect to the database. Retrying (1)...

The problem is I can't enable the Access from Anywhere option assuming if I need to perform the same in production.

Please suggest how to fix this.

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asked a year ago1001 views
1 Answer

If you are doing VPC peering, you can refer to the security group of the peering destination as shown in the following document.
So try to put a setting in the Mongo DB security group to allow the EC2 security group.

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answered a year ago
  • Agree.. I have done the exact same before when using VPC peering, you can specifiy a security group from another VPC

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