New to AWS S3. Playing with my old Lenovo IX4-300d NAS, but I'm stumped.


So this NAS apparently allows me to back up individual shares to S3. The only issue is, there are only 3 options on the screen aside from the Share that I wish to backup.

Access Key:
Secret Key:
Bucket Name:

Can anyone point me to a tutorial that would be more informative than the docs for the device which only state the obvious:

Enabling the Amazon S3 Feature
1. On the Amazon S3 page, click the switch on.

If you do not have an Amazon S3 account, click the link to create an account.
2. Enter a valid access key, secret key, and bucket name from your Amazon S3 account information.

You can create a bucket at account setup, or you can enter a new bucket for your ix4-300d. Your content lives in this bucket on your Amazon S3 account.
3. Select an existing Share on your ix4-300d in which to copy files that are then backed up to Amazon S3.
4. Click Apply to save your changes.

asked 4 years ago287 views
1 Answer

Figured it out. thx

answered 4 years ago

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