Cannot log in to Amazon q developer


Ok so I’ve followed the rabbit hole many different ways and haven’t found a solution. The problem is that I have root access, and an iam user. I have a login link to attach Q to VSC and once followed it takes me to a page with ‘username’ and then to ‘password’ Now is the issue. No matter what known username and password combo exists in, on and around my AWS service, I get the same ‘Something doesn’t compute. We couldn’t verify your sign-in credentials. Please try again.’ I have subscribed to Q, set up accounts in quicksight (still not sure exactly why I needed to but like 6 forums told me it was a fix), and messed with a bunch of iam settings, as well as many login attempts with root access. No matter what I do, Q will not log in. I cannot use the Q chat bubble while signed in either, although it works fine while logged out. I have used 4 different browsers and am just generally lost. Thanks in advance. Edit: I am able to successfully use my Builder ID but this does not help me as I need to implement Amazon Q into my business

1 Answer


Judging from the table in the document below, I think IAM Identity Center is required to use Amazon Q Developer with an IDE such as VSCode.

Please note that IAM users and IAM Identity Center users are different.

If you do not want to use Builder ID, please set up IAM Identity Center.
By the way, if you plan to use Amazon Q Business, I recommend that you enable IAM Identity Center in the same region as Amazon Q Business.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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