High CPU Utilization on Windows Core Instance with Kubernetes Pods Every Six Hours


Hello AWS Community,

I have a Windows Core instance running Kubernetes pods, and I'm experiencing high CPU utilization spikes every six hours. Since I don't have a GUI, I need to diagnose and resolve this issue using command-line tools.

Could someone guide me on how to identify the cause of these periodic CPU spikes?

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asked 2 months ago410 views
3 Answers

Diagnosing high CPU utilization on a Windows Core instance running Kubernetes pods requires a systematic approach to identify the root cause. Here's a step-by-step guide using command-line tools:

Step 1: Monitor CPU Usage

Using typeperf

typeperf is a command-line utility that reports performance data.

  1. Open a command prompt on your Windows Core instance.
  2. Use typeperf to log CPU utilization data over time.
typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -si 1 -sc 3600 -f CSV -o cpu_usage.csv

This command logs the CPU usage every second for an hour. Adjust -sc (sample count) as needed.

Step 2: Identify High CPU Processes

Using tasklist and taskkill

  1. Use tasklist to get a list of running processes and their CPU usage.
tasklist /v /fo csv > tasklist.csv

The /v parameter provides verbose information, including CPU time.

  1. To check CPU usage at a specific point, you can use wmic:
wmic path Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process get Name,PercentProcessorTime,IDProcess /format:csv > process_cpu_usage.csv

Step 3: Analyze Kubernetes Pods

Since you're running Kubernetes, you should check which pods are consuming resources.

  1. Use kubectl to get a list of pods and their resource usage:
kubectl top pods -A

This command shows the CPU and memory usage for all pods across all namespaces.

  1. If you identify a pod with high CPU usage, describe the pod to get more details:
kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n <namespace>
  1. Check the logs of the problematic pod to see if there are any clues:
kubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace>

Step 4: Scheduled Tasks or Cron Jobs

High CPU utilization spikes every six hours might be due to scheduled tasks or cron jobs.

  1. List all scheduled tasks:
schtasks /query /fo LIST /v > scheduled_tasks.txt
  1. Check for any cron jobs scheduled in your Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl get cronjobs -A

Step 5: Analyze Network Activity

Sometimes, network activity can cause high CPU usage.

  1. Use netstat to check for active network connections:
netstat -ano > netstat.txt
  1. Cross-reference the PID in the netstat output with your tasklist output to identify which processes are making network connections.

Step 6: Use Windows Performance Recorder (WPR)

For a more detailed analysis, you can use Windows Performance Recorder (WPR) to capture performance data:

  1. Start recording:
wpr -start generalprofile -filemode
  1. Reproduce the issue or wait for the next CPU spike.

  2. Stop recording:

wpr -stop output.etl
  1. Analyze the output.etl file using Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA), which you can run on a machine with a GUI.
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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Hello Saini,

Here I am providing one by one steps to solve your issue.

1. Identify the culprit pod:

Run the following command to see which pods are currently using the most CPU:

kubectl top pods

This will display a table showing the resource usage of your pods, including CPU. Look for pods with high CPU utilization.

2. Monitor CPU usage over time:

To confirm the periodicity of the spikes, run this command to see the CPU utilization history of your pods:

kubectl top pods --history

This will show you how CPU usage has changed over time for your pods. Look for spikes that occur every six hours.

3. Investigate pod logs:

Once you've identified a suspicious pod, use this command to view its logs:

kubectl logs <pod_name>

The logs might reveal clues about what's causing the CPU spikes. Look for errors, warnings, or any messages indicating high resource usage.

Troubleshooting High CPU Usage on Kubernetes Pods: This guide provides a more in-depth approach to diagnosing CPU spikes in Kubernetes pods, though it may not be specific to Windows: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/69083

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answered 2 months ago
reviewed 2 months ago


check these steps to resolve the issue:

Gather Resource Utilization Data:

kubectl top nodes: 

Use this command to get an overview of CPU and memory usage across all nodes in your Kubernetes cluster. Look for spikes in CPU utilization that coincide with the six-hour intervals.

kubectl top pods: 

This command displays CPU and memory usage for each pod in the cluster. Filter by namespace if needed (e.g., kubectl top pods -n my-namespace). Identify pods with high CPU usage during the spike times. 2. Identify Pod Details:

kubectl describe pod <pod_name>: Replace <pod_name>

with the name of a pod showing high CPU usage. This command provides detailed information about the pod, including its container images, resource requests/limits, and events. 3. Analyze Container Processes:

Connect to Pod:

Use kubectl exec -it <pod_name>

bash to establish a bash shell session within the pod. This allows you to examine running processes. Process Monitoring: Use top or ps auxf to view a list of running processes and their CPU utilization. Identify processes consuming significant CPU resources during the spike intervals. Additional Tools: Tools like strace or perf (if available on your Windows Core instance) can provide deeper insights into system calls and function calls made by the CPU-intensive process, helping pinpoint the root cause. However, these require familiarity with system profiling techniques.

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answered 2 months ago
reviewed 2 months ago

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