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Need to create ECR and to push image using CDK


Hello, I have the following shell script:

# Get a temporary access password to the AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry) service
aws ecr get-login-password > login-password.txt
# Login to the AWS ECR service as generic AWS user
docker login -u AWS --password-stdin <login-password.txt https://${ACCOUNT_NUMBER}
# Create the registry
REPO_URI=$(aws ecr create-repository --repository-name $REPO_NAME --output text --query "repository.repositoryUri")
# Tag the image
docker tag undertow $REPO_URI
# Push it
#docker push $REPO_URI

I need to implement the same using CDK, in Java. I know how to create repositories, etc. but what I don't know and not able to find anywhere is how to get the temporary access password and how to login to ECR, as shown above. Where could I find the missing know how ?

Many thanks in advance foe any help and support.


2 Answers

You can achieve that via this:

Or in combination of pipelines as code pipeline that can then execute a shell script, though a bit more manual:

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
  • My question, if you've read it before answering to it, was related of how to get a temporary access password and login to ECR, using the CDK in Java ? The links you've posted above don't have anything to do with my question.


Anyone please ?

answered 8 months ago

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