Template format error: Unrecognized resource types: [AWS::Batch::JobQueue, AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment, AWS::Batch::JobDefinition]


I'm trying to deploy an AWS Batch service with AWS Fargate, but Cloudformation is returning the following error:

Template format error: Unrecognized resource types: [AWS::Batch::JobQueue, AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment, AWS::Batch::JobDefinition]

I'm using AWS CDK package, and the "@aws-cdk/aws-batch-alpha": "^2.75.0-alpha.0" library to do so. Docker image is created successfully, but it seems like the generated Cloudformation template is not being recognized. The region I'm trying to use is eu-south-2 (Spain), which supports AWS Batch, so I'm not sure why I'm getting this error.

1 Answer

Have you taken a look at this re:Post article: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/cloudformation-template-validation? Specifically, the section: "Verify the availability of your resource type" would be important.

However, this typically boils down to one of these causes:

answered a year ago

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