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NICE DCV Server on Ubuntu 20 - virtual session via web browser - "Connecting" indefinitely


Having followed the instructions for installing DCV Server on Ubuntu 20.04 as described here:

I set authentication method to system in /etc/dcv/dcv.conf

I'm trying to access a virtual session via the web browser (https://<SERVER-IP>:8443). I see the login screen. But when I put in my login information it advances me to a page that says "Connecting" with a loading icon, and then it hangs here indefinitely. At some point I was able to get past "Connecting" but only to a black screen with the DCV UI bar at the top.

Output of dcvserver --version is:

DCV server version 2022.0 (r12760) - 41f5cb94821a66d5faa1443fb73256f5b41424ca

Checking the service logs for dcvserver doesn't show any obvious error message.

Any ideas what might be going on or how I can diagnose further?


  • I assume port 8443 is open in your security group and you are in an internet routed subnet as well as having an public IP address. Have you looked at the connection stats on the interface to see if the TCP connection is reaching the interface?

asked 2 years ago1K views
1 Answer

Hi Rodney,

If I run lsof -PiTCP I am able to see numerous connections established to my home IP with dcvserver, which is where I'm accessing the DCV Web UI from, yes. Is there something else I should check? I assumed the issue was not the connection only because I am able to (a) login and (b) advance to a mostly black screen with the exception of the DCV menu bar at the top.

Yes, the security group is set to allow connections on port 8443.

Thank you!

answered 2 years ago

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