Error while Fetching Secrets via AWS Console


I am getting the error - "Failed to fetch a list of secrets" while trying to view the list of secrets through AWS Console. Any idea why this is happening?

asked 2 years ago4385 views
2 Answers

This error typically occurs when the AWS Secrets Manager service is unable to retrieve the list of secrets from the backend.

Here are a few possible reasons why this might be happening:

  1. Incorrect permissions: The IAM user or role that you are using to access the Secrets Manager service might not have the necessary permissions to retrieve the list of secrets. Make sure that the user or role has the "secretsmanager:ListSecrets" and "secretsmanager:DescribeSecret" permissions.
  2. Incorrect region: The error message could be due to trying to view the list of secrets from a different region than the one in which the Secrets Manager service is hosted. Make sure you are in the correct region where your secrets are hosted.
  3. Network connectivity issues: If you are getting this error message when trying to access the Secrets Manager service from an on-premises or third-party network, it could be due to a network connectivity issue. Ensure that your network is able to establish a connection to the Secrets Manager service.
  4. Secret not exists: It could be the case that there are no secrets in the AWS Secrets Manager
  5. Service Unavailable: If there is an issue with the service or regional service endpoint, the error message could appear. AWS Health Dashboard can give you the current status of the service

I would recommend checking the IAM permissions and the region you are in first, then check your network connection, and then see if the service is currently unavailable. If none of these solutions work, please provide me with more details of the error message and environment information, so I can help you troubleshoot the issue further.

answered 2 years ago

Check that the encryption key has not been disabled or deleted.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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