AWS MSK kafka-authorizer.log



In kafka standalone I have kafka-authorizer.log whe I can find information about blocked requests to cluster.


[2022-07-18 12:23:12,131] INFO Principal = User:myuser-dev is Denied Operation = Describe from host = X.X.X.X on resource = Topic:LITERAL:mytopicname for request = Metadata with resourceRefCount = 1 (kafka.authorizer.logger)

Do you know how I can fing this logs in AWS MSK or how can I configure it?


asked 2 years ago464 views
1 Answer

Unfortunately, it is not possible to enable kafka-authorizer.log in MSK clusters. There is no direct workaround within the service. There is a feature request internally within AWS and I have added your voice to it.

answered 2 years ago

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