Not sure why I was changed by internet hosting service.


Hi, I'm not using any AWS services but I found I was charged by AWS for internet hosting service. Enter image description here Can I get refund?

asked 4 months ago132 views
1 Answer

I apologize for the confusion you're experiencing with unexpected charges. If you believe you've been incorrectly charged for AWS services you're not using, there are a few steps you can take:

  1. First, double-check your AWS account to ensure there are no active resources or services you might have forgotten about. Sometimes, free tier resources can transition to paid services without notice.

  2. Review your billing details carefully using the AWS Cost Explorer. This will show you exactly what services are being charged and when the charges occurred.

  3. If you're certain you haven't used any AWS services and the charge is indeed an error, you should contact AWS Billing Support directly. They are best equipped to investigate unexpected charges and process refunds if appropriate.

  4. To reach AWS Billing Support, you'll need to submit a case through the AWS Support Center Console. Choose "Account and billing support" and provide all relevant details about the unexpected charge.

  5. Be prepared to provide your AWS account ID and any other information that might help identify the source of the charge.

It's important to note that AWS typically doesn't automatically process refunds for services used, even if used unintentionally. However, if there's a genuine billing error, they will investigate and may issue a refund if appropriate.

For future reference, consider setting up AWS Budgets to alert you if any charges occur on your account. This can help you catch and address unexpected usage or charges quickly.

Remember, only AWS can definitively determine if a refund is warranted in your situation. Contact them directly for the most accurate assessment and resolution of your billing concern.
Request a refund of AWS charges | AWS re:Post
Refunds for AWS Marketplace products - AWS Marketplace

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answered 4 months ago

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