How to disable asking for Video permission in CCP?


Our current setup is just for the purpose of chat and SMS, so we have disabled all the telephony options, but with the current setup it keeps asking for the video permission and once the permission is provided, after login the video start for few seconds of duration.

So is there any way to disable asking for video permission if telephony option is disabled.

asked 19 days ago112 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Kindly edit the security profile and uncheck the Video Calls access so that in CCP, you cant able to see the video settings in CCP.

Enter image description here

Before unchecking the video calls access in the security profile: Enter image description here

After unchecking the Video calls access in the security profile:

Enter image description here

answered 19 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 18 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 19 days ago

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