SageMaker Studio Model Training Error


I am trying to train a model in SageMaker studio and I am receiving this error message. I do not have a .DS_Store file and have never come across this in the SageMaker container so I am very unsure where this error is coming from? Would appreciate any help. Thank you in Advance!

Image error

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

DS_Store files are commonly created if you are uploading a file from a Mac. There purpose is to pass on attributes of the file e.g. visual info, view options. However this is not something you need when your purpose (I am assuming) is to import this data from S3 into your SageMaker studio. So if I am assuming correclty you are simply uploading a folder with all your data to S3 from a Mac. In order to fix this error you simply need to delete the .DS_Store file from S3 & re run the code.

answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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