Domain being redirected to IP


I brought a domain to Route53 and created the records as instructed in the manual. I created the load balance for ec2. I created the certificate. The problem is that when I type the domain in the browser, it is redirected to the ec2 IP.

What could be the problem?

asked a month ago51 views
1 Answer


Are you creating an alias record for your load balancer in your DNS record in Route53?
If you have created an A record for the EC2 IP address, please change that A record to the load balancer's alias record.

Also, if you are creating an alias record for the load balancer, there may be a problem with the settings on the web server side, so please check if there are any settings that cause redirection.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Agree sounds like a webserver setting redirect configuration issue

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