DAX pricing for single DAX cluster but multiple dynamodb tables


I wonder if pricing would increase if I use single DAX cluster but for e.g. 50 dynamodb tables? I cannot see any dynamodb mapping in aws calculator

asked a year ago295 views
1 Answer

No there is no difference if you use one table or 40 tables. You pay for the instances in DAX. But you have to be mindful that 50 tables will require a lot more data to be cached than 1 table, so you would need to scale vertically to ensure you can keep your working data set in memory.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thank you! How can I predict in advance if scaling is required? Do you know any useful metrics or solution?

  • Here are the DAX metrics, you can alarm on any of them you deem relevant. Bare in mine that you cannot scale vertically. So CPU usage on the leader node going high is not going to be fixed by scaling out.

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