I was initially using the Let's Encrypt SSL on a WordPress lightsail instance and I decided to use the cloudfront SSL. I was instructed to disable https redirection for the website from server side and allow the distributionto pull content from http only, which I did. I tried to load the website now any the only thing that is showing up is "It works".

How do I fix that?

asked 2 years ago336 views
1 Answer


Based on the details that you have shared with us, it looks like apache/nginx configuration on the instance is probably missing the virtual host configuration for port 80.

Could you test out the below URLs and see what are you getting. Here, instance_ip is the IP address of your Lightsail instance. http://instance_ip https://instance_ip

If HTTPS is working while HTTP is not, then kindly check vhost file for port 80 and configure it like port 443 vhost file. Below third party document can help you in this case:

Let me know the results of above URLs to further check on it.

answered 2 years ago

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