Cloud WAN Support for Segment Action Route Advertisement to GRE Connect Peer


I have built a GRE Connect Peer using an underlay VPC attachment to an NVA in a transit VPC. I can not seem to use the Segment Actions - Routes to advertise a static route into CloudWAN with the destination attachment of a GRE Connect Peer however, I get this error from the Validation:

$.segment-actions[0].destinations[0]: Attachment attachment-0xyz12345 is an invalid attachment type and cannot be used in create route segment actions

Nowhere in the doc does it say that GRE Connect peer is unsupported attachment type for a route. Has anyone gotten this to work?

Tim McC
asked 10 months ago162 views
1 Answer

I don't have an answer, unfortunately, but did get a similar error message recently when trying to define a static route from a Cloud WAN segment to a Transit Gateway Route Table attachment. It would appear, therefore, that at least both these types of attachments are not able to have static routes created.

answered 6 months ago

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