Unable to get customDomains field on `get-branch` command


I'm running on aws cli aws amplify get-branch --app-id {APP_ID} --branch-name {BRANCH_NAME}

Expecting to see customDomains in the output as is stated in the documentation: https://awscli.amazonaws.com/v2/documentation/api/latest/reference/amplify/get-branch.html#output

but this field is not present in the output, may I be missing some extra config in my Amplify application


Using custom domain with S3 and Cloudflare as DNS provider

asked a year ago230 views
1 Answer

The customDomains field in the output of the aws amplify get-branch command is only populated if you have set up a custom domain for the specific branch of your Amplify application.

If you have not configured a custom domain for the branch you are querying, the customDomains field will not be present in the output, even though it is listed in the documentation as a possible output field.

To verify if you have set up a custom domain for the branch, you can check the Amplify Console or the amplify list-domain-associations command, which lists all the custom domains associated with your Amplify application.

If you have set up a custom domain with S3 and Cloudflare as the DNS provider, and you still don't see the customDomains field in the output, there may be an issue with the custom domain configuration.


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answered a year ago

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