I am not using any servcie


I have been charged month by month, can you please look at "Successfully terminated i-049c9c2e5b5e5bbbe,i-028cc76dfd83afc59" but the server still shows there, I have done it multiple times.

I don't know how one server was running but it was not showing on my main EC2 dashboard, then I checked in another location it showed up, I have not used it. Do I have to pay the bill?

  • It sounds like you might be using an Auto-Scaling group, which will automatically launch a new EC2 instance if an existing one fails or is terminated. If so, deleting the Auto Scaling group should also terminate the instances.

asked a year ago265 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi there,

I apologize for any confusion you've experienced! If you like, please open a case with our Support team here: go.aws/support-center. This is the fastest way to get a resolution. Also, this doc may help you: (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/checklistforunwantedcharges.html).

-Dino C.

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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