Suddenly the ports are closed and connection is not working


I faced a strange problem, My instance was working well on port 18332, and suddenly it is not working on this port, I reviewed every thing, Security groups. ACL, all are fine, but i got the port is closed.
I create a new instance and assign a new EIP and create new Security group including port 18332, Same result, not working, But the port 22 is open and working! i tried other port 8551, And same problem.

Note: I have other instances and everything are working well on other ports.
Any help?


Edited by: Mizyan on May 28, 2019 1:51 AM

Edited by: Mizyan on May 28, 2019 4:28 AM

asked 5 years ago313 views
2 Answers

Hello Mizyan!

Can you supply me your instance ID? I will look into this a bit further for you.

I am leaning towards operating system configuration problems on this but need to collect a bit more data in order to understand further. If the security groups and NACLs remained the same a closer look at operating system configuration would be a next logical step.

Can you run the netstat command as appropriate for your OS and private message me the details relating to the port number 18332 including local address, foreign address, protocol and state?

What operating system is running on your EC2 instance?
Was the instance restarted between when the port 18332 was working as expected, and when you experienced it not working?


answered 5 years ago

Hello Michael,
Thank you for your reply.
Please check your inbox.

answered 5 years ago

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