AppFlow-Salesforce-Psql-Rds-Proxy connection issues.


I have an issue with my RDS Proxy on AWS. I've configured a proxy for my PostgreSQL database, which works correctly within my VPC. However, I'm trying to use Amazon AppFlow to access the database through the proxy, but I keep encountering connection errors. After investigating, it seems that the problem is due to the fact that the RDS proxy can only be used within a VPC, while AppFlow does not have direct access to the VPC.

Problem Details: The RDS proxy is configured and works correctly when accessed through EC2 instances within the same VPC. When I attempt to connect to the RDS proxy via Amazon AppFlow, I receive a connection error. I have verified that the security group rules and network ACLs are configured correctly to allow access on port 5432. I have discovered that the main issue is that Amazon AppFlow cannot directly access resources within a VPC.

Question: Is there a solution to allow Amazon AppFlow to access my PostgreSQL database through the RDS proxy, despite the constraint that the proxy can only be used within a VPC? For example, are there specific configurations or additional AWS services I can use to facilitate this connection? Additionally, how can I address the problem of the connector opening too many connections that PostgreSQL cannot handle? Setting max_connections is not the solution i'm searching.

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