The AWS Ec2 instance is running but it's like being offline for a while


The AWS Ec2 instance is running and cannot be connected at about three o'clock Beijing time. It seems to be offline. The website service hangs up and automatically recovers after a period of time. How can I solve the problem?

asked a year ago267 views
1 Answer


What is the load status of EC2?
For example, were the CPU usage rate and memory usage rate high during the time when connection was not possible?
Also, what instance type are you using on EC2?
If you are using a T-based instance type such as T2, please make sure that you have not consumed all the CPU burst credits.
When these burst credits are used up, performance will drop to the baseline throughput, which will affect website display.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • There is currently no traffic on the website. It has not been long since the website was established. The load should not be high

  • Are there any errors output in the system log or web server log during the time when connection was not possible?

  • During the offline period of the EC2 instance: There is no error exception log on the web. The CPU is not too high during the offline period. The system log shows: device ens5 left promiscuous mode device ens5 entered promiscuous mod

  • EC2 instance is t3.medium

  • Use EC2 Instance Connect show Failed

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