Application Speed


We use AWS to store and serve content for our Kurator app. Kurator is a curation tool that stores bookmarks and lets users publish that content via scripts.

I only have a 1000 users, but the loading of the scripts is already slow and takes a few seconds.

I am using EC2. What do I need to do to improve the performance. I did some research and it recommends load-balancing and auto-scaling. Any help and best practices is greatly appreciated. Here is a video presentation of the problem.

Thanks for your help. Karan

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


As a first recommendation try to have your dev an production environment in different AWS accounts. About the slowness itself, you need to understand where is the bottle neck.

  1. Check AWS Compute Optimizer service too check if the instance or the EBS disk need more performance, its free [1].
  2. Enable detailed monitoring for your prod instance [2]
  3. Try to use disk GP3 in case you are using GP2
  4. Depending on your architecture try to use Amazon Cloudfront as a CDN and to use the amazon network to reach the region.

good luck!

[1] [2]

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
  • Thank you for your answer.

  • Additionally, add some debug logging into the app to see where the slowdown is. You need to isolate out if its the app itself; database lookup; etc.

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