blurred text while using Remote desktop


When I connect to my windows EC2 instance from linux or windows (RDP) - the text looks very blurred. I tried almost all the tricks that I could find from google. The text is still not clear.

  • Hi Shantanu, can you share more details about your configuration? What's the resolution of the source machine, and the machine you're viewing the remote desktop on? What's your internet/network bandwidth?

  • Hi Tushar, The problem got partially resolved (90% better display) when I changed the server type from t2.small to m5.large. I guess that the problem is with t2 and t3 series because even 8 GB / 16 GB servers from that type show blurred text. I had used t2.small for several months last year without any problem. Was there any hardware upgrade recently? Or do you use different display hardware for t2/ t3?

asked 3 years ago1347 views
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