RE: Amazon Connect - Dequeue Callers or Remove Caller from Queue


Hi, When callers are in the queue, call flow comes out of hold music prompt and give press 1 option to caller to leave voice mail in same call flow (Default Customer Queue - Call flow).

   Sometime, When caller start to leave voice message, the caller get connected with agent. Agent can hear caller messages. But Caller doesn't hear the agent talk.

 How can we dequeue / remove caller from queue before sending to Voice mail flow?

  I will appreciate for your feedback.

Thanks, Selva

asked 2 years ago433 views
2 Answers

One suggestion will be to create a non-agent queue (such as NoAgentQueue) and use the Set Working Queue to this queue before invoking the voicemail flow

answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago
  • Thanks Ricky. I will appreciate your feedback.


Hi Ricky,

       The Caller is in "Customer queue" flow type. In this flow type, it is not allowing to invoke "Set Working Queue" or "Transfer to flow".

        We can invoke "Set Working Queue" or "Transfer to flow" when it is Contact flow type.

Thanks, Selva

answered 2 years ago
  • In the customer Queue flow, you can use Transfer to Queue Block.

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