Is ATECC608 device supported in Greengrass V2 via PKCS11 ?


I'd like to use ATECC608A/B secure element device to support secure connection to AWS with Greengrass V2. I think that this is possible via use of aws.greengrass.crypto.Pkcs11Provider but I have not been able to get confirmation of if this actually works, or exactly how to configure. Is this supported ? If so, are there any configuration examples for this ?


2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Confirmed working for me with Greengrass 2.9.2 and ATECC608A/B with d4f3b1abe version of cryptoauthlib. It does not work for me with v3.4.1 of cryptoauthlib. Some discussion here

answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

The ATECC608A/B secure element device can be used to support secure connections with AWS Greengrass using the aws.greengrass.crypto.Pkcs11Provider. This provider allows you to use PKCS #11 libraries to access cryptographic operations provided by a Hardware Security Module (HSM), such as the ATECC608A/B.

To use the Pkcs11Provider, you will need to configure the Greengrass Core software to use the PKCS #11 library provided by the ATECC608A/B device. This typically involves specifying the path to the library, and providing a configuration file that contains information about the device and the cryptographic operations it supports.

I would recommend following the documentation from AWS Greengrass and Microchip (ATECC608A/B's manufacturer) on how to set up the secure element device and configure it to work with the AWS Greengrass.

Here is the link for AWS Greengrass documentation (Kindly visit "Install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software with the private key and certificate in an HSM" from the below link):

Here is the link for Microchip ATECC608A/B documentation:

answered 2 years ago

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