Deleting a domain


Hi I am try set up a CMS (not on aws) and as part of that process I have to Verify the domain. When doing this I get a message saying The domain can not be integrated with because it is already used in another AWS resource. Please contact AWS support. I have been in and looked for domains under SES (this is the only place I can imagine it being as some years ago I set up and SES to use with another CMS that ultimately I never used. It 'appears' that the CMS system called (SYSTEME IO ) is detecting a domain on AWS. Any help on this greatly appreciated. Enter image description here

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I resolved it, I think one of your steps did the trick unless AWS did it after ticket went in. Thanks again

answered 3 days ago

1. Check Route 53:

  • Navigate to the Route 53 service in the AWS Management Console.
  • Check if there are any hosted zones associated with your domain. If found, you can delete the hosted zone if it's not needed.

2. Check CloudFront:

  • Navigate to CloudFront in the AWS Management Console.
  • Check if there are any distributions associated with your domain. If found, you might need to delete or update the distribution settings.

3. Check ACM (AWS Certificate Manager):

  • Navigate to Certificate Manager (ACM).
  • Check if there are any certificates associated with your domain. If found, you might need to delete the certificate if it's not required.

If you are still unable to resolve the issue, contacting AWS Support directly can help you identify and remove any residual associations. To contact AWS Support:

  • Open a Support Case
  • Go to the AWS Support Center.
  • Choose Create Case.
  • Select Account and Billing Support and provide details about your issue, mentioning that your domain is reported as being used by another AWS resource.
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answered 3 days ago
  • Thankyou very much. I tried all those steps and still no joy. I did as you suggested and sent help request to Account and Billing support (could not send to tech support as I don't have a paid for support plan) Hopefully someone will look at it. Again thank for your help, much appreciated

  • thank you, please accept my answer

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