TIME-SENSITIVE!! MTurk Error: "You have exceeded your monthly credit limit, please see our FAQs to learn more."


I am trying to post my survey onto MTurk and need it published ASAP (like by the end of this week max!!!!) - I can't even publish it even though my AWS billing is set up properly because of an error that I exceeded the monthly credit limit no matter the amount of respondents I request!! I need help with this ASAP for my research :(

asked 2 years ago1108 views
2 Answers

UPDATE: If any academic researchers end up in a similar situation as me, I HIGHLY recommend switching to Prolific Academic. Their features are better, and they will actually respond to you if you have an issue. I ended up taking my money to Prolific instead and got my data just as quickly (with better quality)!!! I thought I would post this since I'm sure other researchers will run into this issue since there is no transparency on the problem.

answered 2 years ago


I am very sorry to hear this is happening. I would advise you to contact our MTurk Support using this form:


They have the tools and insight to assist with issues such as this, please be sure to include all the details the space will allow.

- Brian D

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • It says a request to increase the limit was submitted, but how long will this take to get approved? I didn’t get a time-estimate and unfortunately, if I don’t get this request approved by the end of the week, I’ll need to move to a different platform and take my research funds elsewhere.

    There was no transparency on this issue (that seems to be impacting a lot of people), and requesters only find out just as they are ready to publish their HIT.

  • Hi there, We unfortunately don't have visibility to look into our MTurk team's queue or approval process turnaround time. However, your request will be addressed in the order received. Thank you very much for your patience as you await a response.

    Best regards, - Sokita

  • The response I received was:

    After review, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your limit increase request at this time. This decision can be influenced due to one or several factors stated in the participation agreement, which can be found here: https://www.mturk.com/participation-agreement

    It is unclear to me which part of the participation agreement I'm not fulfilling. I've had an AWS account for a long time for S3 storage, but since merging AWS with mturk account I can't create HITs of any dollar amount.

    Any ideas on how to follow-up?

  • I submitted through support for but suspend aws and requester too want i will do

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