HEVC + alpha channel input and output on MediaLive


Hi, I am trying to create an HLS live streaming pipeline with MediaLive:

INPUT: either a MP4 file or a fMP4 HLS containing a HEVC video with alpha channel.

OUTPUT: a fMP4 HLS stream of HEVC video with alpha channel.

The channel fails to start with the following errors.

  • input is a MP4 file: Input failed over to input [Input Name] id[1]
  • input is fMP4 HLS: Unable to open input file [https://cloudstorage.com/hlsPlaylist1/segment.m4s]: [Failed probe/open: [No parser found for container]]

I need to precise that my channel works fine when the input is HEVC without alpha channel. Is there a plan to add HEVC with alpha functionality to MediaLive? Thanks

2 Answers

It seems that you are using the MediaLive Input failover to choose between two different file types. Typically when using input failover, inputs are the same format. Also the failed file name is segment.m4s. Did you point MediaLive's failover input to a .smil file? It may not know how to use a .m4s. Perhaps you could change it to a .mp4 extension.

answered 2 years ago

To clarify I am trying to create a MediaLive channel with only one input (not HLS and MP4 file simultaneously). My problem is about HEVC alpha channel so please ignore the situation with HLS and let's focus only on MP4 file input.

The problem is simple, if I use a MP4 HEVC (without alpha) file as input there is no problem. Now if I use a MP4 HEVC + alpha channel file, the channel fails to start:

Input failed over to input [Transparent Video] id[1]
answered 2 years ago

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