How to deploy 4 lambdas in typescript using a code pipeline ?


My customer is looking to deploy the app infra via a code pipeline which has the source, lint, compile, build, package and deploy stages. The lambda is in typescript and there are 4 lambdas which should be deployed for this app. Is there a need to have a different codepipeline for each lambda deployment or can I deploy all the lambdas in a single code pipeline. If there is a single pipeline, how will the app code linting, building, compiling and packaging happen for all the 4 lambdas ? Is it going to be in parallel? If yes, then would there 4 parallel runs of lint, compile and so on. Is there any reference architecture ?

1 Answer


You can use AWS SAM to deploy an application which could include 1 or more Lambda functions. With AWS SAM, you can deploy multiple functions in the same application easily.

Here you can find more information on who to build and deploy resources using AWS CodePipeline with AWS SAM.

But we highly recommend to analyze if those functions must be deployed in 1 or multiple pipelines following the Well Architected Framework.


answered 2 years ago

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