Do dismissed RDS Recommendations become active again if they reoccur?


We've had a few RDS recommendations triggered by one-off maintenance work we've carried out. I want to dismiss the recommendations, but want to know if AWS will reactivate the recommendation if it is detected again.

The official documentation was not clear to me.


asked a month ago298 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Dismissed RDS recommendations do not automatically reactivate. However, you can manually view and reactivate them in the Dismissed Recommendations section. To move one or more dismissed recommendations to active recommendations, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Recommendations section in the AWS RDS console.
  2. Search for Dismissed recommendations.
  3. Select the recommendations you want to reactivate.
  4. Move them back to the active recommendations list by clicking Move to active.

Here, you can find how to handle recommendations using AWS CLI or RDS API:

If you want the recommendation to be reactivated automatically, resolve the underlying issue and wait until the state changes to Resolved. Note that the resource might need to restart for the change to take effect. For certain DB parameter group recommendations, a restart of the resources might be necessary.

You can apply the recommendations in the Recommendations section.

Here are the possible states:

  • Active (default) – Shows the current recommendations that you can apply, schedule it for the next maintenance window, or dismiss.
  • All – Shows all the recommendations with the current status.
  • Dismissed – Shows the dismissed recommendations.
  • Resolved – Shows the recommendations that are resolved.
  • Pending – Shows the recommendations whose recommended actions are in progress or scheduled for the next maintenance window.

I hope this information helps.

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answered a month ago
  • Thanks Sean, this is really helpful.

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