EC2 instance launch issue


I tried to launch an instance in Frankfurt region: p2. I am getting error saying might take minutes to 4 hours to launch the instance.

Do not know what to do next ?

asked 10 months ago218 views
1 Answer


There are a couple of reasons why you get this error:

  • Your requested instance type is not supported in your requested Availability Zone.

Verify which Availability Zones support your chosen instance type using the describe-instance-type-offerings command or from the Amazon EC2 console by checking the Availability Zones value on the networking pane of the Instance types page.

  • AWS currently does not have sufficient capacity in the Availability Zone you requested.

AWS will be working on provisioning additional capacity. You can get capacity by not specifying an Availability Zone in your request, or by waiting a couple of minutes to try the request again.

This article may also help clarify the issue:

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • Nope, the instance type is supported in the requested region. Maybe i need to increase the service quote. I do not know what the best next step. I am sure it will take forever now for me to launch a GPU instance on AWS.

  • Can you please take a look at the CloudTrail logs for the StartInstances event and check what error message you got

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