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How can I use virtual cameras with Amazon Chime 5 app on MacOS ?


I use Amazon Chime version 5.20 for business video calls, I also use XSplit VCAM that creates a virtual webcam with a useful background, to mask everything is behind me. I'm using a MacBook Pro with MacOS Ventura 13.4 and Chime does not recognize the virtual cameras.

Tried the workaround proposed by the vendor: it did not work. The command:

sudo codesign --remove-signature "/Applications/Amazon"

prevents Chime to start successfully, while this command:

sudo codesign --sign - "/Applications/Amazon"

makes Chime start again, but the virtual camera is still not recognized. Just to clarify that using Chime in the web browser (Firefox) works, it recognizes the virtual camera correctly, it seems it is just a problem with the Chime app. Is there a working workaround or a permanent solution?


profile pictureAWS
asked a year ago121 views
1 Answer

To use virtual cameras with Amazon Chime 5 on macOS, just install the virtual camera software and select it as your video source in Chime's settings. I did this when setting up a security camera service, and it worked like a charm!

answered 2 months ago

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