Not able to see ElasticMapReduceEditors-Livy security group



I have been trying to connect EMR notebook to Git for last 2days. I am following steps in below link

I am following exactly same steps until settings for ElasticMapReduceEditors-Livy security group are mentioned. I do not see any security group with name ElasticMapReduceEditors-Livy, hence notebook is not able to connect to git. Could someone please help?

Regards, Deepti

1 Answer

Please check Step 4, make sure you don't miss "In the Software configuration section, be sure that you select a configuration that includes Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, and Apache Livy.". An EMR notebook uses Apache Livy to communicate with the cluster via a proxy using TCP Port 18888. By creating custom security groups with rules tailored to your environment. The default EC2 security group for the master instance is associated with the master instance in addition to the cluster's security groups for the master instance. Group Name: ElasticMapReduceEditors-Livy. See -> Specifying EC2 security groups for EMR Notebooks -

answered a year ago

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