Charges to the account for S3 glacier retrievals by authenticated users


I have a S3 bucket that contains files with service class glacier. Authenticated users can retrieve and download files. Requester pays is enabled.

In my account's bill from aws, there are however charges related to retrieval and TimedStorage of retrieved files initiated by authenticated users. It seems as all the data transfer cost is charged to the requester, while restore cost is charged to me the bucket owner in the form of a Standard retrieval fee per GB.

From this, I seems as the bucket owner pays for restoring files from glacier (even when requester pays is enabled), while the requester pays for the download. Can anyone confirm this? I can't see that this is included in the documentation.

Edited by: jehake on Apr 28, 2021 12:04 AM

asked 3 years ago392 views
1 Answer

I got an answer from AWS Support:

Unfortunately, inform them that the request payer documentation does not cover who pays for the Data retrievals costs and the storage of the temporarily restored copy. As the customer found out this is the bucket owner.

answered 3 years ago

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