Optimal size for controlplane subnet in EKS


What should be the optimal size for control plane subnet ID's while provisioning an EKS cluster.

Is /27 or ~30 usable hosts an acceptable size?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The subnets must each have at least six IP addresses for use by Amazon EKS. However, we recommend at least 16 IP addresses.


But remember that you will have nodes. They require much more IPs, especially when your env is scaled much

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
  • in my terraform eks module, there are two fields:

    1. subnet_ids
    2. control_plane_subnet_ids

    I will provide the subnets for the nodes separately. So if I give /27 subnet to controlplane per zone, It should be enough?

  • /27 netmask = 32 IPs in general. In the case of AWS, it's 27 IPs available for allocation (because 5 IPs are booked by VPC), so 27 IPs should be enough

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