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my instance can ping outside but not able to curl/wget/telnet


Hi there,

got a SOS issue , its really wired here ,

all the instance in my vpc/subnet just not able to access internet , i can ssh to the instance via public ip , can do ping and ping but can not use curl/wget/telnet to access any website,

when i start a new instance , it was working, but after few minutes its not working again , i have checked everything include , firewall, vpc, subnet, security group, network acl, route table, internet gateway , even swicth to another vpc still not working ... also i have run that network reachable analysis tool , show everything ok .....

please help me


asked 3 years ago1.6K views
1 Answer

What's your network architecture looks like? is it the default and no in between middle boxes like a Third-party Vendor Firewall or AWS Network Firewall that can block traffic aside from ICMP? If it is SOS, I recommend reaching out to AWS Support in this case and initiate a live contact (chat/call).

answered 3 years ago

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