Direct Connect resilience


A customer is asking the following question.

"I would like to know if more can be done to verify that physical transit paths are diverse, etc. Our other providers certify that redundant circuits enter the building at different locations and have fully diverse physical paths."

The customer currently has two DX connections from a single DX location and was hoping we could provide more information on this. Do we have any documentation on this matter? We have confirmed that they are using two separate devices at the DX location but I wasn't sure if we know about the paths as well. It seems like this would be dependent on the DX provider.

asked 4 years ago511 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

This is DX provider dependent. We only have visibility up to AWS devices in the facility which is the demarcation point. This is the same as in LOA-CFA document. If customer is using DX provider and not running their own cross-connect, they should ask DX provider. If they are running their own cross-connect, they should ask the Colo.

AWS has redundancy in each facility by having at least two routers and two diverse path from the facility to the rest of AWS network. However we still recommend to have location redundancy (e.g. customer to connect to two different DX locations) for maximum resilience: 1st & 2nd diagram here.

profile pictureAWS
answered 4 years ago

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