Amazon SES, Message-ID and mailman



We are running a mailman 2 mailing list, and recently switch the mail gateway from another company to now use Amazon SES. There's a new problem that the mailman archives are not able to group threads together the way they were before. Users are complaining about issues in their local mail clients. It seems to be related to the mail header fields Message-ID: , References: , and In-Reply-To: . If Amazon SES rewrites the Message-ID, it won't match the original Message-ID, and so the second email won't be matched with the first email in the web archives display. Addtionally, replies are often sent both to the list and to individual participants, and it's critically important that both of these copies have the identical message id.

Is there a way to have Amazon SES not modify the Message-ID header? Or, any other solution to this particular problem?

Thanks, Sam

asked a year ago605 views
1 Answer

The following document shows "Message-ID" in the header field, so it is possible to send an email with the same ID.

As described in this document, you can use "SendRawEmail" and include "Message-ID" in the header to send an e-mail with an arbitrary value.

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answered a year ago

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