My Lightsail Windows Server doesn't load


Yesterday, I wanted to add a hard disk to my server, but after refreshing the page, I received this error message and I lost access to my Windows Server 2022, and the problem still hasn't been solved.Enter image description here

asked a year ago287 views
3 Answers

Based on the error message, it appears that Amazon Lightsail is unable to locate the disk volume you're trying to add. This error might be due to several reasons:

  1. Timing issues: AWS services may sometimes face minor temporary disruptions. If the problem occurred recently, it might be worth it to wait a few minutes and then try again.

  2. Region mismatch: Ensure that the disk volume you're trying to add and the instance are in the same region. AWS resources are region-specific and an instance cannot access a volume in a different region.

  3. Disk volume deletion: If the disk volume was deleted, it would not be available to attach to an instance. Double-check the status of your volumes in the Lightsail console.

  4. Misconfiguration or issue on AWS side: There might be an internal error or misconfiguration on the AWS side which is causing this error.

If none of the above methods solve your issue, it would be best to contact AWS support. Provide them with all the necessary details, including the exact error message and the steps you've taken so far. They should be able to help you diagnose and fix the problem.

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answered a year ago
  • Yes, I guess I accidentally deleted my server storage and that's why it doesn't show up in my Instances and I get that error, in that case if there is no way to fix it, is there at least a way to get rid of that error? And also I don't know if my server was deleted or not! I can't see it in my panel, so I don't know if I will be charged or not :/


Yes, I guess I accidentally deleted my server storage and that's why it doesn't show up in my Instances and I get that error, in that case if there is no way to fix it, is there at least a way to get rid of that error? And also I don't know if my server was deleted or not! I can't see it in my panel, so I don't know if I will be charged or not :/

answered a year ago
  • If you accidentally deleted your server's storage, it's likely the reason why you can't see your server in your AWS Lightsail Instances panel. Unfortunately, once a Lightsail instance or its storage is deleted, the deletion can't be undone. AWS does not keep a backup of the instance unless you've manually created snapshots before deletion. If the answer was helpful, please also click on "Accept Answer" as well.


Yes that's right and thanks for the replies. But I still don't understand if this deletion means the complete deletion of the server or the server is still considered active by Amazon?

answered a year ago

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