Failed to traffic internet request to my nginx app by ALB. How to solve?

  1. I setup an ec2 instance and started a nginx app listening on http port 80 (ipv4 & ipv6).

  2. I setup an ALB to traffic http & https request to my nginx app. ----- ALB IP address type: Dualstack without public IPv4)

  3. I setup Route53, added a hosted zone

  4. I added 2 dns records: ----- record1: -> AAAA -> Alias -> ALB ----- record2: -> AAAA -> Alias -> ALB

But it failed to open "" on chrome browser. Error msg: "ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED"

asked 4 days ago19 views
1 Answer


"AAAA" records are domain records used with IPv6 addresses.
If the ISP you are using does not support IPv6, you will not be able to access it even if you set the AAAA record. Does your ISP support IPv6?
Also, is the ALB setting set to "dualstack"?

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answered 4 days ago
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reviewed 3 days ago

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