AWS IoT Greengrass CLI not found path


여기에 이미지 설명 입력 Hello AWS People I installed Greengrass on the Windows. I successfully completed the deployments of Greengrass cli and Nucleus. However, when I try to use the greengrass-cli command on the window, the error "I can't find the specified path" appears.

I tried the following method. What is the problem?

C:\greengrass\v2\bin\greengrass-cli -V
\greengrass\v2\bin\greengrass-cli -V
greengrass-cli -V --ggcRootPath C:\greengrass\v2\bin\greengrass-cli

aws.greengrass.cli & aws.greengrass.Nucleus versions are all same with 2.12.0

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi thanks for reaching out. We'd recommend you to:

  1. Open the path in explorer, see if it exists;
  2. Confim the deployment for Greengrass CLI succeeded;
  3. Consult the installation doc, which can be found here:


answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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