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Business tarif change!


Hi. I chose a business rate for 100 dollars and I want to return to a rate of 25 dollars per month. thanks**

2 Answers

Hi There

It sounds like you are referring to your support plan. Here is the pricing for the different support plans:

Business support starts at $100 but you can change your support plan to either Developer which is $29, or Basic (no technical support) for $0. You can follow this guide for changing your support plan.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Hey! It looks like you're talking about AWS support plans. You can check out the pricing here: Business support is $100, but if you're looking for something cheaper, Developer is $29, or Basic for free. I’ve helped clients with this while doing consulting(, and switching plans is pretty straightforward—just follow the guide on their site!

answered 3 months ago

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