can not remove account from organization


I used aws organizations remove unused account command but not able to remove the account and the error message as following

"An error occurred (ConstraintViolationException) when calling the RemoveAccountFromOrganization operation: The member account must be configured with a valid payment method, such as a credit card."

can anybody suggest?

Remark: this account was created with wrong email so it never completed the account sign-up steps. so can not used AWS organization console to remove this account.

asked 5 years ago5584 views
1 Answer

This sounds like the same problem as this one.. So, just regurgitating the reply from AWS support below:

The actual process as you describe, requires you to log-into the account with root credentials, complete the sign-up steps and then remove the account from the Organization. Since, the email no longer works, I would suggest you to reach out to the Accounts & Billing team via a support case to check if there is a way to change the root email address on the account. 


answered 5 years ago

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