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Public Certificate validation not happening



I tried to create Public Certificates by using the feature called "Request a public certificate" , I added CNAME records to in the DNS owner platform, I have waiting more than 48hrs, the status of the certificate approval still saying that Pending Verification .

Can someone help here ?

asked a year ago292 views
2 Answers

Please verify your CNAME records for the DNS validation with AWS Certificate Manager. The documentation for DNS validation is found here:

For all domains listed in the certificate, a record must be valid and created. Either create these manually if DNS is outside of AWS Route 53, manually if desired, or through the console provisioning. Once records are updated, it may take a few hours for verification to complete and process the certificate.

answered a year ago
  • DNS is our side of AWS Route 53. However I have added CNAME Name and values in the DNS maintainer platform(netlify) still I see pending for validation.


This will likely be down to a DNS Issue.

  • Can you manually resolve the CNAME?
  • Did you create the CNAME record in a publicly resolvable zone?
  • Are your Domain GLUE Records correct?
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answered a year ago

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